The Definitive Guide to Reclaim Systems in Silos


When you search for ‘reclaim system silo’, you’re likely looking to understand how these systems efficiently manage and retrieve bulk materials from silos with minimal waste and maximum safety. Reclaim systems are essential for manufacturing companies aiming to increase productivity and extend the lifespan of machinery components. They are the backbone of managing bulk storage effectively, reducing equipment downtime, and ensuring a swift flow of materials.

At the heart of these systems, especially for grain silos, VibraFloor stands out as a no-entry solution. It’s designed to empty bins, train cars, semi’s, and flat storage facilities fully, without requiring human entry, thus ensuring unmatched safety. Notably, it also preserves the physical structure of the storage bin or silo, adding to its long-term viability and sustainability.

  • Efficiency: By adopting a reclaim system like VibraFloor, manufacturing entities can expect a notable uptick in operational efficiency. These systems allow for complete material retrieval, reducing waste and ensuring the material is moved quickly and safely from the storage area to where it’s needed.

Reclaim systems like VibraFloor are not just about efficiency; they are also about putting safety first. With the no-entry, no-rescue requirement, they redefine how industries approach bulk material storage and retrieval, making it a game-changer for industries where material handling is at the core of their operations.

Infographic detailing the advantages and operational mechanism of VibraFloor in a reclaim system silo - reclaim system silo infographic pillar-5-steps

Understanding Reclaim Systems

Reclaim systems are an essential part of managing bulk materials in industries like food processing, biomass, and mining. They automate the process of moving materials from storage, like silos or domes, to where they’re needed. Let’s dive into the types, benefits, and some key concepts like FIFO and Mass Flow.

Types of Reclaim Systems

There are several types of reclaim systems, each designed to meet specific needs:

  • Mechanical Systems: Use augers or conveyors to move material.
  • Pneumatic Systems: Use air pressure to transport materials.
  • Hydraulic Systems: Utilize liquid pressure for material movement.

For grain storage facilities, our go-to is the VibraFloor system. It’s a unique solution that vibrates to move material efficiently and safely, without the need for human entry.

Benefits of Reclaim Systems

Reclaim systems offer numerous advantages:

  • Efficiency: Automate the material handling process, saving time and reducing labor costs.
  • Safety: With solutions like VibraFloor, the need for personnel to enter potentially dangerous areas is eliminated.
  • Consistency: Ensure a steady supply of materials to production lines, improving operational reliability.
  • Versatility: Can handle a wide range of materials, from grains to biomass.

FIFO: First-In, First-Out

FIFO is a crucial concept in material handling. It means that the first material to enter the storage system is also the first to leave. This approach is vital for products with shelf life concerns, ensuring that older material doesn’t sit unused.

Mass Flow

Mass Flow is another important concept, ensuring that all material moves together, reducing segregation and maintaining quality. It’s especially crucial in food processing and pharmaceuticals, where consistency is key.

Implementing a reclaim system that supports FIFO and Mass Flow can significantly enhance operational efficiency and product quality. For grain reclaim systems, VibraFloor stands out as a safe and efficient solution. It not only fully empties bins and storage facilities without endangering human lives but also preserves the integrity of the structure, ensuring longevity and reliability.

In conclusion, understanding the types, benefits, and key operational concepts of reclaim systems is crucial for selecting the right solution for your needs. Whether it’s ensuring safety with VibraFloor or optimizing material flow, these systems play a pivotal role in modern industry operations.

Key Components of a Reclaim System

When it comes to the heart of a reclaim system silo, several key components ensure its smooth operation. Let’s dive into the essentials: Hydraulic Power, Auger, Drive Components, and Maintenance. Each plays a critical role in the efficiency and longevity of the system.

Hydraulic Power

Hydraulic power is the muscle behind the movement. It provides the necessary force to drive the auger and other moving parts of the reclaim system. This power source is favored for its reliability and ability to generate a high amount of torque at low speeds, which is crucial for moving heavy materials.


The auger is like the system’s backbone, transporting material from the silo to its next destination. Its design is critical, as it must be robust enough to handle the material without causing damage or becoming obstructed. The auger’s efficiency directly impacts the overall performance of the reclaim system, making it a vital component.

Drive Components

Drive components are the gears and motors that make the system tick. They convert hydraulic power into mechanical energy, driving the auger and facilitating the movement of material. These components must be precisely engineered to match the system’s demands, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation.


Maintenance and Longevity of Reclaim Systems

One of the standout features of reclaim systems, especially VibraFloor, is their remarkable durability and low maintenance requirements. Unlike other systems that need frequent servicing to stay in top shape, VibraFloor systems are designed with longevity in mind. Their components are crafted to last, requiring minimal maintenance over their lifespan. This means less worry about routine checks and more confidence in your system’s reliability. It’s not uncommon for VibraFloor systems to operate efficiently for decades—20 to 30 years—without the need for regular maintenance. This exceptional durability ensures that your operations continue smoothly, without unexpected interruptions, keeping your productivity high and maintenance costs low.

When it comes to grain reclaim systems, our VibraFloor solution stands out for its safety and efficiency. It’s the only option that offers a No Entry = No Rescue approach, minimizing risks by eliminating the need for human entry. This innovative system fully empties bins, train cars, semi’s, and flat storage facilities without compromising the structure’s integrity. Additionally, VibraFloor’s gentle handling ensures that the physical structure of the bin, silo, train car, or semi is not harmed.

In summary, understanding the key components of a reclaim system silo is essential for ensuring its effective operation. From the power that drives the system to the auger that moves materials, each component must be carefully considered and maintained. With solutions like VibraFloor, we prioritize safety and efficiency, offering a system that meets the needs of various industries while protecting both the product and the infrastructure.

Popular Reclaim System Models

When it comes to reclaim systems, there are several models that stand out for their efficiency, reliability, and adaptability across different industries. Let’s dive into some of the most popular ones:

Laidig Cone-Bottom

The Laidig Cone-Bottom series is a game-changer for handling hard-to-manage materials. It tackles common issues like silo-bridging and rat holes by promoting mass flow, ensuring nearly complete silo cleanout and maintaining a FIFO material distribution. This system is designed to be dependable and easy to service, making it a solid choice for batch or process-controlled applications.

Cyclonaire C&C

The Cyclonaire Collect and Convey (C&C) Reclaim System is a marvel in preserving air quality and conserving materials. It cleverly captures airborne dust during silo filling operations and recycles it back into the source silos. This system combines a Cyclonaire Pulse Jet Dust Collector with a CycloLok® Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveyor, ensuring low product degradation and easy maintenance. It’s a versatile solution that works well with a variety of dry solids, from foodstuffs to highly abrasive materials.

ANDRITZ Storage Systems

ANDRITZ offers comprehensive solutions for storing, mixing, and equalizing biomass like bark. Their systems range from small, semi-automated setups to large, fully-automated configurations with 3D volume measurement. ANDRITZ excels in project management, ensuring timely and budget-friendly deliveries that yield excellent economic outcomes for energy producers. Their linear, round, and circular storage options provide efficient moisture equalization and blending capabilities for biomass materials.


When discussing the best methods for reclaiming grains, VibraFloor shines as a top solution for its safety and efficiency. This system champions a “No Entry = No Rescue” approach, effectively clearing out bins, train cars, semi-trailers, and flat storage areas without the need for people to go inside. This approach not only prioritizes safety but also helps in preserving the condition of the storage structures. Remarkably adaptable, VibraFloor excels in handling a variety of materials including grains, biomass, DDGs, and wood chips, ensuring a thorough material recovery while maintaining top-notch safety and structural protection.

VibraFloor panels are strategically placed to cover the entire bottom surface of silos or flat storage areas. When activated, these panels generate a unique wave-like vibration pattern that efficiently moves materials towards the outlet for easy retrieval - reclaim system silo infographic pillar-3-steps

Each of these reclaim system models offers unique benefits tailored to specific industry needs. From enhancing air quality with the Cyclonaire C&C to ensuring safe and complete grain retrieval with VibraFloor, these systems are designed to improve operational efficiency and safety. As we move into the next section, we’ll explore how these reclaim systems can be implemented across various industries to solve common material handling challenges.

Implementing Reclaim Systems in Various Industries

Reclaim systems are not one-size-fits-all. Different industries have unique challenges and requirements when it comes to material handling and storage. Let’s dive into how reclaim systems, particularly those like VibraFloor, are making a significant impact in various sectors.

Food Processing

In the food processing industry, hygiene and efficiency are top priorities. Reclaim systems in silos ensure that grains and other food materials are stored and retrieved without contamination. The VibraFloor system is a game-changer here because it’s a No Entry = No Rescue option. This means that the system fully empties bins and silos without human intervention, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring the highest standards of hygiene.


The biomass industry relies on the efficient handling of a wide range of organic materials. Reclaim systems facilitate the controlled flow of materials for energy production, ensuring consistent supply to boilers and gasifiers. The ability to handle non-flowable and semi-flowable materials makes systems like VibraFloor ideal for biomass applications, ensuring a steady and reliable feed into energy production processes.


In power generation, the key is the reliable and continuous supply of fuel, whether coal, biomass, or other materials. Reclaim systems ensure that power plants have a constant feed of necessary materials to keep generating energy without interruption. The robustness of systems like VibraFloor means they can handle the abrasive materials often found in power generation, reducing downtime and maintenance needs.


The production of biofuels requires the precise mixing and handling of various organic materials. Reclaim systems not only store these materials but also facilitate their retrieval in a way that maintains the quality and consistency needed for biofuel production. The FIFO (First-In, First-Out) operation of reclaim systems ensures that the oldest materials are used first, critical for maintaining the quality of biofuels.

Mining & Minerals

The mining and minerals industry deals with a variety of abrasive and heavy materials. Reclaim systems in this sector need to be especially durable and capable of handling the rough nature of mined materials. Systems like VibraFloor are designed to withstand these conditions, providing a reliable solution for storing and reclaiming minerals and ores.

Cement Production: Mastering Material Flow with VibraFloor

In cement production, managing the flow of key raw materials such as limestone, clay, and sand is crucial to maintaining high-quality outcomes. This is where reclaim systems, particularly VibraFloor, play a pivotal role. Unlike traditional systems that may leave materials stuck, forcing manual intervention, VibraFloor ensures a smooth, controlled flow. This technology is designed to handle the abrasive nature of cement ingredients efficiently, minimizing waste and enhancing the overall production process. By integrating VibraFloor, cement plants can achieve a level of operational efficiency that keeps both productivity and safety at the forefront.

In each of these industries, the implementation of reclaim systems like VibraFloor offers a blend of safety, efficiency, and reliability that traditional methods cannot match. The No Entry = No Rescue feature of VibraFloor, in particular, emphasizes the commitment to safety without compromising on operational efficiency, making it an ideal choice across sectors. As industries continue to evolve, the adaptability and benefits of reclaim systems will only become more apparent, driving further innovation and implementation.

It’s clear that the role of reclaim systems in optimizing operations across a wide range of industries is both significant and growing. The next section will address some common questions about these systems, shedding further light on their functionality and advantages.

Frequently Asked Questions about Reclaim Systems

As we delve deeper into reclaim systems, several questions frequently arise. Let’s tackle some of the most common inquiries to better understand these systems and their impact on various industries.

What is a FIFO distribution?

FIFO stands for First-In, First-Out. This is a method used in reclaim systems to ensure that the first material stored is the first material retrieved. This approach is crucial for maintaining the quality of perishable goods, reducing spoilage, and improving inventory management. In the context of a reclaim system silo, FIFO distribution helps in maintaining consistent material quality and ensures that older material doesn’t remain at the bottom of the silo, potentially degrading over time.

How does VibraFloor ensure safety and efficiency?

VibraFloor is a unique solution that addresses two critical aspects of reclaim systems: safety and efficiency. Here’s how:

  • Safety: VibraFloor operates on a No Entry = No Rescue principle. This means that the system is designed to fully empty bins, train cars, semi’s, and flat storage facilities without human entry, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

  • Efficiency: By providing a consistent, even flow of material, VibraFloor ensures that silos and storage facilities are emptied completely, reducing waste and improving operational efficiency. Its design also means that it doesn’t harm the physical structure of the storage facility, ensuring longevity and reducing maintenance costs.

Can reclaim systems handle abrasive materials?

Yes, many reclaim systems are specifically designed to handle abrasive materials. These systems are built with durability in mind, using materials and components that can withstand the wear and tear associated with abrasive goods. For instance, systems like VibraFloor are engineered to manage the movement of materials with poor flow characteristics or those that are particularly abrasive, ensuring that the integrity of the material and the system itself remains intact over time.

In conclusion, reclaim systems play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of material handling across a wide range of industries. From ensuring FIFO distribution to handling abrasive materials safely and efficiently with solutions like VibraFloor, these systems are integral to modern storage and retrieval operations. As we continue to explore the capabilities and applications of these systems, it’s clear that their importance will only grow, driven by the need for more sophisticated, reliable, and safe material handling solutions.

Moving forward, CFAB Global remains at the forefront of this innovation, offering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client through our Machine Reliability Program and a commitment to excellence.


In wrapping up our journey through reclaim system silos, it’s clear that the path to efficient and safe material handling is paved with innovation and expertise. At CFAB Global, we’ve dedicated ourselves to not just following this path but leading the way with solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible in bulk material storage and retrieval.

Our Machine Reliability Program stands as a testament to our commitment to not just meeting, but exceeding, the expectations of industries worldwide. We understand that each client has unique needs, challenges, and goals. That’s why we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we tailor our offerings, ensuring that every component, every system, and every piece of advice we provide is geared towards optimizing your operations, enhancing safety, and boosting efficiency.

Machine Reliability Program - reclaim system silo

When it comes to reclaim systems, particularly for grain storage, we proudly offer VibraFloor as the pinnacle of innovation in the field. It’s not just a system; it’s a revolution in how materials are reclaimed from silos, bins, and other storage units. The VibraFloor system embodies our No Entry = No Rescue philosophy, ensuring that the process of material retrieval is not only efficient but also maximally safe. By eliminating the need for human entry, we’re not just protecting your product; we’re safeguarding your people.

Moreover, our commitment to custom solutions means we’re always ready to adapt and evolve. Whether you’re in food processing, biomass, power, biofuels, mining & minerals, or cement, CFAB Global has the expertise and the technology to bring your operations into the future of material handling.

In conclusion, as we look towards the horizon of industry needs and technological advancements, CFAB Global remains your steadfast partner. Our dedication to providing customized solutions through our Machine Reliability Program ensures that no matter the challenge, we have the expertise and the technology to meet it head-on. Let’s move forward together, shaping the future of material handling with safety, efficiency, and reliability at the core of everything we do.

For more information on how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs, visit our services page. Together, let’s build the future of safe and efficient material handling.

CFAB Global Services - reclaim system silo

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of reclaim system silos. At CFAB Global, we’re not just providing equipment; we’re delivering peace of mind, one innovative solution at a time.