The Definitive Guide to Reclaim Systems in Silos


When you hear the term reclaim system silo, it refers to the mechanisms used in silos to efficiently manage and retrieve stored bulk materials. These systems are crucial because they help prevent material wastage and ensure a smooth flow of goods from storage to the point of use. Efficient material handling is key to maintaining productivity and lowering operational costs in manufacturing and storage facilities.

Reclaim systems come in various forms, each designed to address specific storage challenges and material types. Whether dealing with granular, powdery, or even sticky materials, there’s a reclaim system tailored to offer the most efficient solution. Having the right system not only maximizes storage space but also reduces the energy and manpower needed to move materials around.

But why is this important? In short, the right reclaim system can make or break the efficiency of a manufacturing plant or storage facility. From reducing equipment downtime to extending the lifespan of machinery components, the implications of choosing and implementing an effective reclaim system are far-reaching. This guide will navigate through the different types of reclaim systems, weigh their benefits, and address common challenges, ensuring your operation runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Infographic detailing the flow of materials in a silo with a reclaim system, highlighting key points like reduced operational costs, increased safety, and full material reclaim. - reclaim system silo infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Types of Reclaim Systems

Choosing the right reclaim system for your silo can significantly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your material handling process. Let’s delve into the four primary types of reclaim systems: Cone-Bottom Reclaimers, Dome Reclaimers, Circular Stacker Reclaimers, and Screw Reclaimers. Each has its unique advantages and applications.

Cone-Bottom Reclaimers

Laidig’s Cone-Bottom reclaimers are designed to solve two major problems in silo storage: material bridging and the creation of rat holes. These reclaimers facilitate FIFO (First In, First Out) distribution, ensuring that the oldest material is used first, which is crucial for many industries where material freshness is a priority. One of the standout features of Cone-Bottom reclaimers is their minimal maintenance requirement, thanks to their design which minimizes moving parts and places motors and drives outside of the material flow.

Dome Reclaimers

The Cambelt radial silo reclaimer stands out for its ability to utilize the maximum capacity of the storage dome. Unlike traditional reclaimers, Cambelt’s design allows the interior space of the dome to be completely filled, directly translating to more material stored and significant environmental benefits. The structure of the dome itself lends to these advantages, making Dome Reclaimers an excellent choice for operations looking to maximize storage space and efficiency.

Circular Stacker Reclaimers

ANDRITZ offers circular stacker reclaimer systems that are all about automated storage with minimized civil construction. These systems are particularly beneficial for large-scale operations that require efficient storage and retrieval of bulk materials. The circular stacker reclaimer system is an overhead system that stacks and reclaims materials in a circular area, providing 100% live storage volume. This means all the material in the stack is accessible for reclaiming, ensuring a smooth and continuous flow.

Screw Reclaimers

Screw reclaimers are versatile systems used for linear and round storage solutions. They excel in moisture equalization, an important factor for materials that are sensitive to moisture content. The design of screw reclaimers allows for consistent and uniform reclaiming of material, which is critical for maintaining the quality of the stored goods. Their adaptability makes them suitable for a wide range of materials and storage configurations.

Each type of reclaimer system—Cone-Bottom, Dome, Circular Stacker, and Screw—addresses specific operational needs, from FIFO distribution and minimal maintenance to maximizing storage capacity and ensuring moisture equalization. The choice between them depends on the type of material being handled, the storage environment, and the specific operational goals of your facility.

As we progress, we’ll explore the benefits of implementing a reclaim system, focusing on aspects such as lower capital investment, reduced operational costs, full material reclaim, increased safety, and minimal product degradation. Understanding these benefits will help you make an informed decision on which reclaim system is best suited to your operation’s needs.

Benefits of Implementing a Reclaim System

Implementing a reclaim system silo comes with a myriad of benefits that go beyond mere storage solutions. These systems are designed with efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness in mind, which makes them an indispensable component of modern bulk material handling. Let’s dive into the key benefits.

Lower Capital Investment

One of the first advantages that come with the implementation of a reclaim system is the lower capital investment. Traditional storage solutions often require more complex and expensive infrastructure. In contrast, systems like dome reclaimers utilize the existing structure more efficiently, reducing the need for additional construction and equipment.

Reduced Operational Costs

Operational efficiency is at the heart of any successful business, and reclaim systems play a significant role in achieving this. By automating the process of material retrieval, these systems reduce labor costs and minimize the energy used during operation. Moreover, their design often results in less wear and tear on the equipment, further driving down maintenance expenses.

Full Material Reclaim

The capability for full material reclaim is a standout feature. Unlike some systems that may leave material unused, leading to waste, reclaim systems are designed to ensure that all stored material can be accessed and retrieved. This maximizes the use of resources and can significantly reduce waste-related costs.

Increased Safety

Safety is paramount, and automated reclaim systems contribute significantly to creating a safer work environment. With fully automatic operations, the need for personnel to enter potentially hazardous areas is eliminated. This not only protects workers but also reduces the risk of accidents, leading to a safer and more compliant operation.

Minimal Product Degradation

Lastly, the gentle handling of materials by reclaim systems ensures minimal product degradation. This is particularly important for industries dealing with sensitive or valuable materials where maintaining quality is crucial. By preserving the integrity of the product, these systems help maintain its value and quality from storage to delivery.

Putting It All Together

In summary, the benefits of implementing a reclaim system in your silo or storage facility are clear and compelling. From saving money both upfront and in the long run, to maximizing safety and minimizing product loss, these systems offer a holistic solution to material handling challenges. Whether you’re dealing with bulk dry materials, biomass, or any other goods, the right reclaim system can make a significant difference in your operation’s efficiency and bottom line.

Continuing to the next section, we will explore the challenges associated with reclaim systems and provide practical solutions to ensure your operation runs smoothly and efficiently.

Challenges and Solutions in Reclaim Systems

Overcoming Material Bridging

Material bridging occurs when materials clump together, creating an arch-like formation across the opening of a silo, preventing materials from flowing freely. This common challenge can halt operations, causing significant delays.

Solution: The Cone-Bottom design is specifically engineered to address this issue. By facilitating a mass flow creation, the Cone-Bottom reclaimer ensures that materials move smoothly, minimizing the chances of bridging. This design encourages a first-in-first-out (FIFO) distribution of materials, ensuring freshness and quality in applications where this is critical.

Addressing Rat Hole Problems

Rat holes are vertical tunnels that form within the silo’s materials, leading to uneven material flow and potential blockages. These can be particularly problematic in silos containing materials that have poor flow characteristics.

Solution: Utilizing a heavy-duty auger with replaceable cups or knives can effectively eliminate rat holes by ensuring continuous and aggressive reclaiming of materials. This approach not only addresses the rat hole issue directly but also enhances the overall efficiency of the reclaim system silo.

Handling Fibrous or Sticky Materials

Materials that are fibrous or sticky pose a unique challenge in silos, as they tend to adhere to each other and the silo walls, making them difficult to reclaim effectively.

Solution: For such materials, a configurable reclaim auger can be a game-changer. By adjusting the auger to suit the specific nature of the material, operators can significantly improve the reclaim process. Additionally, employing a hydraulically powered system minimizes the need for moving mechanical parts, reducing maintenance and enhancing the durability of the system even in the face of challenging materials.

In conclusion, while material bridging, rat hole problems, and the handling of fibrous or sticky materials can pose significant challenges in the operation of a reclaim system silo, there are effective solutions available. The Cone-Bottom design, with its emphasis on mass flow creation, along with the strategic use of heavy-duty augers and configurable components, can address these issues head-on. Employing these solutions not only improves the efficiency and reliability of material handling but also significantly reduces operational costs by minimizing downtime and maintenance requirements.

By understanding these challenges and implementing the appropriate solutions, operations can ensure a smooth, efficient, and cost-effective material handling process.

With the right approach, the reclaim system silo can be a major asset in any material handling operation, providing reliable performance and exceptional efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions about Reclaim Systems

What is the best reclaim system for sticky materials?

When dealing with sticky materials, it’s crucial to use a reclaim system that can handle the material without causing blockages or slowdowns. Cantilever reclaim systems with configurable reclaim augers are often the best choice. These systems can be customized with replaceable cups or knives to effectively manage sticky materials. The minimal moving parts and the ability to tailor the output rate make these systems particularly suited for handling challenging materials while ensuring smooth operation.

How does a reclaim system improve material handling efficiency?

A reclaim system silo significantly boosts efficiency in several ways:
Maximizes storage space: By fully utilizing the interior space of a dome or silo, these systems allow for maximum material storage.
Automates the reclaim process: Full automation reduces the need for manual intervention, cutting down on labor costs and potential errors.
Minimizes material degradation: Gentle handling of materials ensures that quality is preserved, reducing waste.
Increases operational safety: With fully automatic operations, the need for personnel to enter potentially hazardous areas is eliminated.

By streamlining the process of material storage and retrieval, reclaim systems play a crucial role in enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Can reclaim systems be customized for specific industry needs?

Absolutely. One of the significant advantages of reclaim systems is their flexibility and adaptability to various industry requirements. Whether it’s for the storage and handling of bulk dry materials in concrete domes or managing biomass for renewable energy production, reclaim systems can be tailored to meet specific needs. Options range from hydraulic and electric drives in cantilever systems to custom configurations for screw reclaimers, ensuring that every operation can find a solution that fits its unique challenges and objectives.

From the initial design to the final installation, companies like CFAB Global work closely with clients to develop reclaim systems that not only meet but exceed their material handling needs. With years of experience and a broad portfolio of projects, the right partner can ensure that your reclaim system is perfectly aligned with your operational goals.

For operations looking to boost efficiency, manage materials more effectively, and reduce operational costs, investing in a customized reclaim system offers a clear path to achieving these objectives. With the ability to handle a wide range of materials and adapt to specific industry challenges, reclaim systems provide a robust solution for modern material handling needs.

As we move into the conclusion, remember that selecting the right reclaim system and partner for your project is crucial for maximizing the benefits and ensuring long-term success in material handling.

Discover more about how reclaim systems can transform your material handling operations.


Choosing the right reclaim system for your operations is not just about selecting a piece of equipment. It’s about finding a solution that aligns with your unique material handling requirements, operational goals, and environmental responsibilities. At CFAB Global, we understand that every material handling challenge is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of your needs, followed by a tailored recommendation from our extensive range of reclaim system options. Whether you’re dealing with bulk dry materials in concrete domes or looking for a system that can handle aggressive reclaiming of fibrous or sticky materials, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to ensure that you achieve full material reclaim with minimal product degradation, all while enjoying lower capital and operational costs.

But our commitment to your success doesn’t end with the installation of a reclaim system. Through CFAB Global’s Machine Reliability Program, we offer ongoing support to maximize the productivity and lifespan of your equipment. This program is a testament to our belief in not just selling systems, but in fostering partnerships that contribute to our clients’ long-term success.

By choosing CFAB Global, you’re not just getting a reclaim system. You’re getting a partner dedicated to ensuring your operations run smoothly, efficiently, and sustainably. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process of selecting, installing, and maintaining the perfect reclaim system for your needs.

Learn more about our services and how we can assist you in optimizing your material handling operations.

The right reclaim system can transform your material handling operations, enhancing efficiency, safety, and environmental compliance. Let us at CFAB Global help you make that transformation a reality.